WORK Co. LTD has introduced a new version of Emotion 11R, EMOTION 11R-FT. This new wheel utlizes WORK Flowforming Technology, also known as spun forming here in the U.S.
The key benefit for flow forming is able to reduce the barrel thickness, thus reducing the weight of the wheel without compromising the strength of the rim barrel. The 11R-FT is a good choice for motorsports racing use or at area where there are smoother roads.
Unlike our other brand wheels, WORK flow forming wheels start with low-pressure cast construction, whereas others use lower quality gravity casting.
Low-pressure cast construction has a denser material property over gravity cast wheels, thus allowing a greater strength advantage over gravity cast with flow-forming barrel.
Application available for both front wheel, rear wheel and all wheel drive vehicles. Depending on size and offset, the Emotion 11R-FT is available with semi-concave or deep concave face. Some specs are BBK friendly.

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